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Karma Koala w/ Sean Hocking

Karma Koala w/ Sean Hocking

Step into the intricacies of the burgeoning world of #cannabis and #psychedelics with the “Karma Koala” podcast, a thriving ecosystem of discussions aimed at demystifying the #legal tapestry enveloping these enigmatic realms.  With over 100 enlightening episodes, your Thursday tuning to for Bottom of Pops will never be the same again!

Helmed by the seasoned Sean Hocking, the sage behind the illustrious Cannabis #Law Report & Cannabis Law Journal, every episode is a dive into the profound with experts donning various mantles – be it #lawyers, #accountants, CEO’s or #policy makers. Each week, you’re not just skimming the surface but diving into the depths of legislation, compliance, and policies shaping the cannabis and psychedelic sectors not just in the #USA, but #globally. 🌏

The dialogues on Karma Koala go beyond the superficial chatter, delving deeper to unearth the essence of how knowledge in law and policy can navigate you through the complex landscapes of cannabis and psychedelics.  Sean’s 35-year legacy in legal publishing is the compass guiding these conversations through the uncharted waters of law and compliance, shedding light on dimensions often overlooked.


3:00 am 3:30 am

12:30 pm 1:00 pm

6:30 pm 7:00 pm